‘Disability’ : Using Foucaultian Tools
Compiled by Fiona A Campbell for the Foucault-Disability Discussion List
Last Updated: 13th May 2000
of materials related to Foucaultian analysis and 'disability', including
extensions of Foucaultian concepts in works by such scholars as Nikolas Rose,
John Law, Bruno Latour, Judith Butler and Elizabeth Grosz welcome. Forward Submissions, Corrections or Comments to Fiona Campbell
Allan, J. (1996). “Foucault and special education needs: A 'box of
tools' for analyzing children's experiences of mainstreaming.” Disability
and Society 11(2): 219 - 233.
Campbell, F. (1998) 'Social Role Valorisation Theory as Discourse: Biomedical transgression or recuperation?,' Unpublished Paper, Online at https://members.tripod.com/FionaCampbell/srv.htm
Campbell, F. (1999). “'Refleshingly Disabled': Interrogations into the
Corporeality of 'Disablised' Bodies.” Australian Feminist Law Journal
March: 57 - 80.
Casling, D. (1993). “Cobbers and Song-birds: the Language and Imagery
of Disability.” Disability, Handicap & Society 8(2): 203 -
A. (1996). "Knowledge, Power and the Disability Discrimination Bill." Disability
& Society 11(1):25-40.
Copeland, I. (1997). "Pseudo-science and Dividing Practices: A genealogy of the first educational provision for pupils with learning difficulties." Disability & Society 12 (5): 709 - 722.
Corker, M. (1998). Deaf and Disabled, or Deafness Disabled?
Buckingham, Open University Press.
Corker, M. (1999). “Differences, Conflations and Foundations: the
Limits to 'accurate' theoretical representation of disabled people's
experience?” Disability and Society 14(5): 627 - 642.
Fawcett, B. (1998). “Disability and Social Work: Applications from Poststructuralism, Postmodernism and Feminism.” British Journal of Social Work 28: 263 - 277
Foucault, M. (1967). Madness & Civilization: A History of Insanity
in the Age of Reason. London, Routledge.
Foucault, M. (1978). About the Concept of 'Dangerous' Individuals in 19th
Century Legal Psychiatry. Law & Psychiatry. D. Weisstub. New York,
Pergamon Press.
Foucault, M. (1997). The Abnormals. Michel Foucault Ethics:
Subjectivity and Truth, Vol 1. P. Rabinow. London, Allen Lane/The Penguin
Press: 51 -58.
Fox, N. (1993). Postmodernism, Sociology and Health. Buckingham,
Open University Press.
Fujimura, J. (1992) 'Crafting Science: Standardised Packages, Boundary Objects, and 'Translations'' in Andrew Pickering (ed.) Science as Practice and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 168 - 211. * Although not disability specific, this work is concerned with the nature of consensus formation about a 'single theory' of cancer.
Fujimura, J. (1996) Crafting Science: A Socio- history of the Quest for the Genetics of Cancer. Cambridge, Mass, Harvard University Press.
Grosz, E. (1991) "Freaks A Study of Human Anomalies". Social Semiotics, 2: 22 - 38.
Grosz, E. (1996). Intolerable Ambiguity: Freaks as/at the Limit. Freakery:
The Cultural Spectacle of the Extraordinary Body. R. G. Thomson. New York,
New York University Press: 55 - 66.
M. (1993). "The Discourse of Mental Health Reform: A Critical
Analysis." The Australian Journal of Mental Health Nursing
History of the Human Sciences (Vol 3, N., Feb) (1990). Whole Volume:
'Histoire de la folie' - articles on 'Madness & Civilization'.
Hughes, B. and K. Patterson (1997). “The Social Model of Disability and
the Disappearing Body: Towards a Sociology of Impairment.” Disability &
Society 12(3): 325 - 340.
Hughes, B. (1999). “The Construction of Impairment: Modernity and the
Aesthetic of Oppression.” Disability and Society 14(2): 155-172.
Isherwood, L. and E. Stuart (1998). Introducing Body Theology.
Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press.
Jain, S. (1999) "The Prosthetic Imagination: Enabling and Disabling the Prosthesis trope", Science, Technology & Human Values 24 (1): 31 - 54.
Karpin, I. (1998). Peeking through the Eyes of the Body: Regulating the Bodies of Women with Disabilities. Disability, Divers-ability and Legal Change. M. Jones and L. Basser Marks,(eds), The Hague: M.Nijhoff Pub, 283 - 300.
J. (1991). A Sociology of monsters : essays on power, technology, and
domination. London ; New York, Routledge.
Law, J. (ND). Political Philosophy and Disabled Specificities (draft).
Lancaster, Department of Sociology and Centre for Science Studies, Lancaster
University at http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/sociology/soc026jl.html.
Law, G. (1994). “On Power Relationships with a small organisation.” Australian
Disability Review 1: 47-58.
Lunbeck, E. (1994). The Psychiatric Persuasion: Knowledge, Gender and
Power in Modern America. New Jersey, Princeton University Press.
D. (1992). "Discourse Analysis: a New Methodology for Understanding the
Ideologies of Health and Illness." Australian Journal of Public Health 16(2):145-50.
Meekosha, H. (1998). Body Battles: Bodies, Gender and Disability. The
Disability Studies Reader: Social Science Perspectives. T. Shakespeare.
London, Cassell: 163 - 180.
Mirzoeff, N. (1995). Silent Poetry: Deafness, Sign and Visual Culture
in Modern France. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Mirzoeff, N. (1995). Framed: The Deaf in the Harem. Deviant Bodies:
critical perspectives in Science and Popular Culture. J. Terry and J. Urla.
Bloomington:Indiana, Indiana University Press: 49-77.
Mitchell, D. and S. Snyder (1997). The Body and Physical Difference:
Discourses of Disability. The Body, in Theory Histories of Cultural
Materialism. D. Judovitz and J. Porter (ed). Ann Arbor, The University of
Michigan Press.
Munford, R. and M. Sullivan (1997). Social Theories of Disability: The
Insurrection of Subjugated Knowledges. Human Services: Towards Partnership
& Support. P. O'Brien and R. Murray. Palmerston North (N.Z.), The
Dunmore Press: 17 - 33.
Peterson, A. and R. Bunton, Eds. (1997). Foucault Health &
Medicine. London, Routledge.
Radford, J. (1994). Intellectual Disability and the Heritage of
Modernity. Disability is Not Measles: New Research Paradigms in Disability.
M. Rioux and M. Bach. North York, Ontario, Roeher Institute: 9 - 27.
T. (1996). "Disability, Identity and Difference." Exploring the
Divide: Illness and Disability, [eds] Colin Barnes and Geoff Mercer. Leeds:
The Disability Press.
Shildrick, M. (1997). Leaky Bodies and Boundaries: Feminism,
Postmodernism and (Bio)ethics. New York, Routledge.
Sullivan, M. and R. Munford (1998). “The Articulation of Theory and
Practice: Critique and Resistance in Aotearoa New Zealand.” Disability
& Society 13(2): 183-198.
Thomson, R. G. (1997a). Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical
Disability in American Culture and Literature. New York, Columbia University
Thomson, R. G., Ed. (1997b). Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the
Extraordinary Body. New York, New York University Press.
Thornton, M. (1997). “Domesticating Disability Discrimination.” International
Journal of Discrimination and the Law 2: 183 - 198.
Wolfensberger, W. (1975). “Reflection on Foucault's Insights into the
Nature of Deviancy and Our Residential
Institutions.” Mental Health 23(2): 21 - 22.
Wrigley, O. (1996), The Politics of Deafness. Washington DC, Gallaudet University Press.
URL: https://members.tripod.com/FionaCampbell/foucaultdis.htm