This directory has been established in
the spirit of networking and scholastic co-operation. You are welcome to submit
a listing for this page as long your submission conforms with the listing
criteria. All listings will be placed in alphabetical order.
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Knowledge standpoint: researcher with a 'disability' or 'other supporter'
Summary of research interests (in 60 words or less) - this will be strictly adhered to!
Please provide up to six (6) key words to describe your focal concerns
Alexander, Denise
BSc (Psych) Deakin ; Grad Dip Hum (Sociology) La Trobe; Grad Dip Further Ed & Training (TESOL) USQ (final semester)
Teacher - Community & Human Services, North Point Institute of TAFE, Brisbane Australia; Professional Counsellor/Consultant - Private Practice
The formation/re-formation/imposition of identity particularly after experiences of 'trauma'; general interests in the areas of sexual violence, disability and sexuality using post-structuralist/feminist methodologies.
Work in progress: 'The case of the dirty weatherboards: Exaggerations, excuses and half-truths in cases of sexual abuse; 'Compulsion towards ablebodiedness: A narrative on 'recovery' from physical disability.'
critical psychology - narrative analysis - sexual abuse - disability studies
Campbell, Fiona A Kumari
BLS (Hons) Latrobe PhD Candidate QUT
Brisbane, Australia
Researcher with a 'disability'
Using Foucaultian methodologies I am interested in exploring the production of negative ontologies of 'disability' and the ways in which 'disability'; is governed under neo-liberalism. Sites of governance include the applications of new technologies and the way they intersect with legal definitions of 'disability'. A strategy of disruption is my interest in 'desire' - a positive ontology of 'disability'. I am also interested in developing a renewed theology of disability.
disability ontology - biotechnologies - critical legal studies - P/S theology - feminist corporealities - science studies
Powell, Jason
Lecturer in Sociology, Centre for Social Science, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
My research is an examination of old age via the appropriation of Foucauldian insights. In particular, I am examining the poverty of social theory in the disciplinary subject matter of gerontology at one level of analysis; and secondly, to analyse the effects of professional social work practices on the lives and experiences of older people via community care assessment.
technologies of self - discourses of ageing -social work practice - elder abuse
Simpson, Murray
Department of Social Work, University of Dundee, DUNDEE DD1 4HN, Scotland UK
My own interest in this particular field is not primarily historical. I am not a historian, my background is in Social Policy and Social Work, and my concern is fuelled only by a commitment to understanding the contemporary field of 'intellectual disability'. My own research attempts to make sense of this as a nexus of power-knowledge relations, in the Foucauldian sense. I am specifically interested in the formation of the modern discourse on learning disability. If anyone else has a particular interest in this line of thinking I'd be very keen to hear from you. I finally finished my PhD in December 2000, Idiocy as a Regime of Truth: An Archaeology of Intellectual Disability in the work of Seguin, Ireland and Binet and Simon.
power-knowledge relations - history of idiocy - discourses of leaning disability