" ... disability is a reading of bodily particularities in the context of social power relations … [an] attribution of corporeal deviance - not so much a property of bodies as a product of cultural rules about what bodies should be or do".
Rosemary Garland Thomson (1997) Extraordinary Bodies, New York, Columbia University Press, p. 6.
That's me below in a previous incarnation
Disability Discussion List
Whilst there are several other academic/theoretical lists concerning the construction of 'disability', this list has been established specifically to focus/debate/dialogue around the application of the Michel Foucault's work to the theorisation/problematisation of 'disability'. The purview of the list is restricted to a discussion of theorists broadly situated within the Foucauldian tradition, e.g. Grosz, Latour, Law and Butler. This list is intended to be interdisciplinary and open to all irrespective of scholastic status. Students are particularly welcome. Aside from the benefits of increased dialogue and networking around Foucault's formulations, the list hopes to foster increased circulation/publication of material concerning 'disability' using Foucauldian methodologies.
URL to this page: | https://members.tripod.com/FionaCampbell/Disability&Foucault.htm |
Scholars Society (Queensland)
A forum for exchange, discussion and networking around disability concerns within the academic and policy development sectors. We hold bi-monthly meetings and produce a newsletter. Open to scholars, researchers, post-graduate students, honours students and policy practitioners living in Queensland & Northern NSW. Foundation Meeting 14th December 2000. Postings should be relevant to members living in QLD/Nth NSW.
Subscribe: | disabilityscholarssociety_qld-subscribe@yahoogroups.com |
Disability Research Discussion List
(Meant to be international discussion list for scholars who endorse the 'social model' of disability)
International Network on Bioethics & Disability: This network has a listserve which makes you automatically member of the network feel free to send an e-mail to
Subscribe: Bioethics-subscribe@egroups.com
http://www.egroups.com/community/Bioethics once you are a member. You can set your mail for e-mail messages or daily digests or web mail meaning that you read the mails on this web page.
Disability and Spirituality Discussion List
Social Role Valorisation Theory as Discourse - Biomedical Transgression or Recuperation (1998)
Bibliography: Disability Analysis Using
Foucaultian Methodologies
Speech Acts: On Problematising ‘Empowerment’ (1997)
view my Thesis page for current research.
HSV2001 Griffith University: Disability: Theory & Philosophy (semester 1: 2001)
Scholars Society of Queensland
Society for
Disability Studies
with Disabilities Act Documents Centre
Differences Disability Culture (Online Adult Learning
Not Dead Yet (anti
euthanasia/extermination of 'disability')
VicNet Disability Page (Gateway
to Aussie Groups)
Relations of Disability Research Network (Sydney)
To be put onto the mailing list and for more information contact Ann McCutcheon McCutcheon@unsw.edu.au or (02) 9385 1870
Leeds University
Disability Research Unit
Techno-Eugenic Email Newsletter : This newsletter stems from the work of academics, activists, and others in the San Francisco Bay Area who are concerned about the direction of the new human genetic technologies. We support technologies that serve the public interest. We oppose those--including human germ-line engineering and human cloning--that foster inequality, discrimination, objectification, and the commodification of human genes and tissues.
To sign up email Marcy Darnovsky teel@adax.com
Copyright © 2000 by Fiona A Campbell. All rights reserved.
EMAIL: f.campbell@qut.edu.au